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۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Is God subjugated to natural laws?» ثبت شده است

Is God subjugated to natural laws?

Osman mohamed Bah | Tuesday, 6 May 2014، 07:48 PM

Allah is the one who has set all natural laws, and the only thing He is under the influence of, is His own will. The one thing to keep in mind is that His will is that things take place through their natural causes. In addition to the fact that breaking certain laws in the subordinate world by higher powers is in and of itself also a law set by God and is possible; such a phenomenon is referred to as a ‘miracle’.‌ Miracles aren't peculiar to the time of the prophets, they happen in every era, but only some are aware of their occurrence

  • Osman mohamed Bah