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- ۱ نظر
- 06 May 14 ، 19:54
download the picture of freedom here
Allah is the one who has set all natural laws, and the only thing He is under the influence of, is His own will. The one thing to keep in mind is that His will is that things take place through their natural causes. In addition to the fact that breaking certain laws in the subordinate world by higher powers is in and of itself also a law set by God and is possible; such a phenomenon is referred to as a ‘miracle’. Miracles aren't peculiar to the time of the prophets, they happen in every era, but only some are aware of their occurrence
Hijab’ literally means a veil or cover. Islam requires men and women to observe Hijab in their own ways. The question arises to whether Hijab is just a personal deed or does its observance or violation affect the society. In other words, can we really say that Hijab is one’s personal choice in a society that Islam wants to create?
Personal deeds are those that mainly affect the individual; failing to observe these actions will deter one’s relationship with Allah and bring personal harm. The daily prayers and fasting are examples of some personal deeds that predominantly affect one’s own spirituality. However there are certain actions that directly impact the society; taking out alms (khums, zakat), enjoining good, forbidding evil, kindness to one’s relations, among several others. Hijab is one such action that has its profound effects on society. Thereby, the requirement of imposing Hijab in an Islamic society can be felt; this article will seek to reflect on the scientific and Islamic dimensions of Hijab in a social sphere
The first person to interpret the Verse of Proclamation on the ruse of the Jews was the Sunni exegete Muqatil ibn Sulayman[1], followed by Tabari, Baghawi, and Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr Razi.[2]
Considering various possibilities, Fakhr Razi, too, has accepted this narration. The only reason he puts forward is the style and appropriateness of the verses before and after, all of which refer to the Jews.[3
Me, Mr Hashemi and another person - I do not want to mention his name
Download the entire speech of imam khamenei on this topic here
Supreme Leader Meets with Laborers of MAPNA Group | ![]() |
30/04/2014 | |
Among the blessings of Allah on mankind is that He, Himself, has guaranteed to guard this everlasting Divine Message against any form of distortion, forgery and disfigurement, in such a way that falsehood cannot approach it from any direction.
Remarkably, the Qur'an, today, is the same text which was revealed fourteen centuries ago to the Prophet, and is free from any additions or deletions
In the name of Allah, the
Compassionate, the Merciful.
"And those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel, bidding them to do what is right and forbidding them what is wrong, making lawful for them the good (things), and forbidding for them the corrupt (things) and relieving them of their burdens, and the fetters that were upon them. Those who believe in him and honour him, and help him and follow the light while has been sent down with him - those are they the successful."
Holy Qur'an (7:157